Embryonic Stem Cell Research Should be Supported

Yes, there is a strong debate around when "life begins" which continues to overshadow many topics in US policy and politics, including abortion, and more recently, the debate around "embryonic stem cell research". Honest people with serious, considered opinions will debate this basic issue for years to come.

I believe there is, however, a sub-issue that can be peeled off of this larger issue. The issue of government support of human embryonic stem cell research under specific, controlled conditions. Those conditions are: ONLY when the human embryos under consideration would otherwise be destroyed. My opinion is that, if destruction is not under debate (the embryos would be destroyed anyways), there should be no issue here. Anyone who thinks otherwise really is not subscribing to the premise. Sorry but it's that simple to me.

Unfortunately, politicians and others who have philisophical and other axes to grind sometimes will not see an issue no matter how clear it gets. That to me is the only reason this particular sub-topic continues to draw debate. No one wants the other side to "win". And that, to me, is one of the saddest truths of all.

We should continue to debate large issues like "when does life begin". But for things which are more clear, can't we simply get on with it? Before we decide on these big issues, in the meantime, the US government should vigorously support human embryonic stem cell research with embryos instead of allowing their senseless destruction.

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